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Special massage at Hotel Daniel

Foot Reflexology Massage

Through targeted stimulation of the reflex zones, inner organs can be influenced and self-healing powers are activated.approximately 25 min € 42.-

Hot Stone Full Body Massage

This is a holistic massage therapy method that improves blood circulation, relieves muscle tension and stimulates the lymphatic flow. The heat penetrates into the body and restores balance to your body and mind. It activates the body’s energy sources and promotes your wellbeing. During thermotherapy, the hot basalt stones send powerful, soothing heat to the muscles before the actual massage begins.approximately 50 min € 89.-

Lymphatic Drainage

This detoxifying massage provides relaxation and removes any obstruction. It activates the lymphatic system and stimulates the movement of the lymphatic fluids in order to assist the body in its cleansing.

approximately 25 min € 39.-

3 treatments € 107.-

Herbal Pouch Massage

During this massage the whole body is anointed with herbal pouches that have been dipped in warm oil. The therapist uses circular movements to let the pouches glide across your skin. This has a proven stimulating and strengthening effect on all areas of your self-healing system.

approximately 50 min – € 99.-