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Aktiv Panoramahotel Daniel GmbH
Familie Pohl - Haderlehnerstr. 20 -  A-6432 Sautens
Tel.: +43(0)5252-6272 Fax: +43(0)5252-62727

Kammerzugehörigkeit: Wirtschaftskammer Tirol
UID-Nummer: ATU 65931977


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Pictures: Hotel Daniel, Area47


All contents of this website have been compiled with great care and to the best of our knowledge. However, Aktiv Panorama Hotel Daniel cannot warrant liability that noted contents are accurate, complete, correct and up to date.

This website contains links to third party websites (‘external links’). Aktiv Panorama Hotel Daniel has no influence on these sites and therefore makes no warranty or representation regarding the content on any linked website. The respective website provider is responsible for the content and the accuracy of the information provided therein. At the time of linking we found no illegal contents on the sites. If we become aware of any such breach of the law, we will immediately remove the respective link from our website.

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More information

Photo credits: Hotel Daniel, Tourismusverband Ötztal,,


Concept, Screendesign, Webdesign and Programming:

Agentur für Grafik & Web
Ötztaler Höhe 21
6430 Ötztal Bahnhof

+43 5266 88307